Painted about 120 cut illustrations
This is the sixth in a series of books based on the TV show “Are you smarter than a 5th grader?” (Japanese version), airing on Nippon Television Network Corporation. New design and new illustrations from this issue.
I was in charge of illustration and painted a lot such as children, animals, foods, experiment illustration, and likeness of historical person.
For the chapter door illustrations, I was asked to depict something funny while relating to each subject, so I created the characters with motifs associated with each subjects. My favorite is the math triangle character.
I was happy to be involved in this work related to a show I sometimes watch on TV.
Hope many children will enjoy this book with their families.
– Book Title : “Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader? 6”
– Compiled by Nippon Television Network Corporation (Book Producer: 将口真明, 飯田和弘, and 齋藤里子)
– Cover Design by 渡邊民人(TYPE FACE)
– Book Design by 谷関笑子(TYPE FACE)
– Photography by 増田岳二(K9)
– Figure and DTP by 藤井康正(Fujii_Graphics)
– Edited by 伊藤 剛(Eddy Co.,Ltd.)and 桑山裕司
– Illustration by mentamanta
Application used: Fresco, Illustrator