“TABLEVA” Chinese-Noodle-kun

“TABLEVA” Chinese-Noodle-kun

Painted a character in the motif of Chinese noodle


夏の風物詩といえば、やっぱり冷やし中華。 ただ、それだけだとちょっとマンネリになりがちかも!? そこでこの季節に試してみたい「冷やし中華じゃない方」のレシピをご紹介。 アレンジ自由な中華麺の魅力をたっぷりお楽しみください!イラスト/めんたまんた 制作/株式会社GUINGA

I created character with a Chinese noodle motif for the web media “TABLEVA” which is published on the supermarket’s apps.
The article introduces various Chinese noodle recipes.

My favorite is the one who juggling the ingredients.
Thank you for the second order.

  • Client : NIPPON ACCESS, INC.
  • Medium : Website “TABLEVA”
  • Article : “Started “not” chilled chuka” (Published on 20 July 2023)
  • Partnership : “Kurashiru” (dely, inc.) 
  • Produced by GUINGA Inc. 

Application used : Clip Studio Paint, Photoshop

See the same series of “Pinchos-kun”